eReferrals Service | 01293 300270 (9am to 4pm Monday to Friday) |
Outpatients | 0300 303 8360 (8am to 6pm Monday to Friday) |
Princess Royal Hospital | 01444 441881 |
Emergency Dental Service | 01444 440695 |
Citizens Advice Bureau | 01444 459866 |
WSCC Social Services | 01444 446100 |
Samaritans | 08457 909090 |
Alcoholics Anonymous | 08457 697555 |
Gay and Lesbian Switchboard | 01273 204050 |
Mid Sussex Counselling Centre | 01273 846835 |
Relate | 0845 1304010 |
Age Concern | 0800 009966 |
Police (Burgess Hill) | 0845 6070999 |
Horsham & Mid Sussex CCG | 01293 600300 |
Healthwatch West Sussex | 0300 0120122 |